Better support for viewing and editing on smartphones and tablets

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Andy Ward

The current layout does not adapt to smaller screen sizes, making it hard to see the 3D and schedule data along side a messages as the side panels are not collapsible.

Additionally the menus take up valuable screen estate.

Lastly the 3D WebGL and touch support on devices needs to be improved.


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Marcial René Sosa Duarte

what about mobile or PC clients?? For iPad pro you can see the DALUX app


Andy Ward

Hi Marcial, thanks for the feedback. Is there any aspect in particular you'd be keen to see? Feel free to add your own feature requests, or vote for some of the existing ones


Andy Ward

System now supports more browsers including Safari on Mac and iOS. and has responsive layout for most features that supports use of smaller screens.
Touch support has been improved bot in the navigation, scrolling and in the 3D viewer
Screen estate used by menus has been improved for smaller screens

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Andy Ward

Status changed to: Live